I’m currently making and programming a game in Unreal Engine 5.0.3 for a university project, but I’ve lately been having to deal with my PC repeatedly taking overly long amounts of time to build my C++ code, and I’m trying to figure out how to reduce said build times.
I’ve tried uninstalling unnecessary Unreal modules and freeing up space on my disk and data drives, but that hasn’t made any difference. I’ve tried building my code on other computers (such as those on-campus), and they are each much quicker, taking from a few seconds to a minute to build whenever I make significant code changes. I’m currently wondering whether these slow build times on my own computer are a result of lacklustre code optimisation, Rider/Unreal settings that I need to change or just me needing a better PC.
I’ve asked some others for some opinions and suggestions, and the potential solutions I’m currently considering are to upgrade my PC (my RAM in particular (from 16GB to 32GB), most likely, partially since according to the UE5 hardware and software specifications page on the Unreal documentation site (link: Hardware and Software Specifications for Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation), 8GB of RAM is recommended for using UE5, although a typical system used by Epic for UE5 uses 64GB of RAM), reformat my PC, or get a new PC entirely.
Any suggestions for what I should do to resolve this issue? If I could please get a response with an answer, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks and kind regards,