How can I make that in-game I want to select an image and then import that image from the pc and add it in the game as a variable sprite or any image thing?
Since the engine requires baking of most if not all assets prior to building the game, importing stuff in realtime after the bake has been done is a non-trivial issue. It is either impossible due to how the engine works, or requires substantial C++ rewriting of the engine, if my current understanding of the engine is correct.
I could be wrong, and if you find a way to do so, I would be very interested in the solution.
Edit: I am wrong. My research was incomplete and conclusion incorrect.
Here’s a link to a question someone asked where the answer was that the question was asked 3 times before, with link to the replies.
no, you can, it’s built in there. think of people choosing their own avatars and stuff like that. not that out there