at the moment I am working at a 3D presentation for a commercial product. I want to attach a text near to the 3D object with some information. I am using a masked Photoshop file for it. Everything is fine but I dont want a reflection on the ground. I found no solution to hide this text reflection. Is there a workaround for hiding object reflections?
I have to use After Effects to archive this. But the expense is very high because I have to track the 3D camera and so on. It would be much easier when you can archive this directly in the Unreal Engine 4.
How are you setting up your text within your project? Is it against any material that would be metallic or reflective? Does anything other than the text you’ve added in reflect off of this surface as well? Have you tried using a TextRenderActor instead? Please provide some additional information, or even screenshots so that we can assist you further.
Hi ,
thank you very much for your answer. The Screen Space Reflection reflects everything in the scene. The problem is the lack of a hide option for definite objects. I have attached a screenshot. The text is reflecting on the floor which must be absolutely brilliant.I have also tried the Textrender Actor. But this actor is not sufficient for me because I have also a lot of graphics which I want to integrate in my scene. Exists a workaround for this problem?
Unfortunately, I did not see any direct way to change the reflection to block certain aspects from within the reflection sphere, or from the actual environment. However, you can go into the texture, which is nested under materials and actually change the roughness of that texture. When you do that, there is less of the reflections actually appearing on the “floor” of your project. I’ve attached a few screenshots for you to see what I’ve done. You do not have to set the roughness as high as I did, I simply did that to test the reflective nature of the texture afterwards.
This is the section where I went to change the roughness of the texture:
Hopefully this will help you achieve what you’re looking for. If not, please feel free to comment back and I’ll be happy to investigate this further for you.
Hi ,
thank you very much for your answer. My surface layer must be reflective. Thats the problem. I thought there is a workaround to hide objects from reflections. I hope this feature will be integrated in the future.
Unfortunately, I was unable to find another way to block the reflection from specific surfaces. Currently, the only way to resolve this would be to decrease the metallic properties and increase the roughness to completely eliminate some of the reflective surfaces.
I have submitted a feature request for you. If you need to reference this request in the future, please refer to: UE-13560
While this thread may be old, an efficient workaround for instances like this is to move all objects you don’t want in reflections out of the scene (i.e. the text) and then render a cubemap using the reflection sphere capture component or some other method of capturing the scene, save that cubemap, move the text back into the scene and apply the cubemap back to relative surfaces again, this will remove the need to create unnecessary modifications to your material.
A radical alternative would also be to avoid using unreal altogether and superimpose the text using masking in Premier or After effects (If you have the resources)
Hello, I have the same problem with reflection, did you find an answer ? In my project, two 3dtext line move to the line and are hide by a mask. But in the mask, you continue to see the reflection !