How can I have a Actor class communicate with UObject

I have an actor class that references a UObject class like so:

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "Ico | Face")
UObject* myUObject= NewObject<UObject>();

This appears to call the constructor within the UObject class. This UObject class is expecting some information from the actor class in order to properly construct. Specifically, the UObject has a UStruct container waiting to be filled with the same UStruct container already filled on the actor class. Like so:

myUObject->uObjectFaceList = actorClassFaceList;
myUObject->uObjectVerticesList = actorClassVerticesList;

After I’ve typed all this up I’ve realized that the Uobject is instantiated in the header file of my actor class and thereby calls the constructor on the UObject class, so I was wrong, and now I realize I can’t hand off this information like this. So how might one go about this?

Thanks in advance.

I had methods that were using the information needed being called inside of the constructor. So I emptied the constructor, and now I just call those methods after the information has been passed over to the UObject class.