How can I get this material effect?

I’m making a window glass material.

How can I get a nice effect like this?


I need some tips


It’s hard to see from your image, do you mean the bumpy crack in the middle or the reflections? To make a surface reflective, you just need a low roughness value. You can do this by giving it a low constant value (0-0.5), or if it’s in a texture you can paint it with a darker colour (RGB somewhere from 0-130). For both of these processes a lower/darker value will make it more reflective. Actually, I can’t really tell if in that picture it’s reflective or just translucent. If you want it to be translucent, just set the Material’s blend mode to “translucent”, then connect a constant to “Opacity” with a number from 0-0.5 (lower is more translucent, with 0 being invisible).

If you want to make the bumpy mark in the middle, you can do that by adding a normal map. There are a lot of ways to make normal maps depending on what programs you have. If you have photoshop, the easiest way of making that crack would be to draw a few lines roughly in that shape (I believe painting in white makes it bump upwards, while black bumps downwards like an indent), then go to filters ->3D -> Generate Normal Map. Then save your normal map, import into UE4 and connect that normal texture with the “Normal” node in your material.

wilsonc summed up most of the things you’re seeing, but I wonder if you’re also looking for the “frosted” look that blurs the shapes behind the window. In the case of this game (INSIDE), my guess is that the stuff behind the glass is actually just some pre-blurred billboards to give that effect. Unfortunately, creating this effect in way that’s physically accurate is a pretty difficult thing to accomplish in real time, because you essentially need to sum up several refraction rays to compute a single pixel.

You could probably implement something similar to screen space reflections, which seems to accumulate jittered samples from previous frames (in addition to this happening automatically with TAA) to get a nice soft effect, but the fact that it lags behind a bit would probably be distracting on a smooth window like that. One thing I haven’t tried yet is using a Scene Capture 2D with some kind of blur depth of field (with the focal distance adjusted based on camera’s distance to the window), but I’m not sure that’d be practical.

Thanks, I’ll see what I can do