How can I get Shooter Game to run from Visual Studio after updating to UE4 4.0.2 Source?

I was able to load the Shooter Game with UE4 4.0 source but now that I have installed the 4.02 source I always get the following error: “ShooterGameSceneLoader failed to load. Check if it is complied”

Other projects load fine and I can open in visual studio from the UE4 Editor.

When I open the Shooter game from the UE4 Editor (Not Visual Studio C++) There is no option to open it in Visual Studio C++.

I have tried building the project and compiling the project in the editor but that did not help.

The project plays fine in the editor but won’t open if I build and try to run it from Visual Studio C++

Am I doing something wrong?

Could someone please help me?


Here is how I got it to work. - YouTube