Hello, I have my enemy AI working in my game, but from all the tutorials I found I only know how to get the enemy AI to go after the player through “Get Controlled Pawn”. What other methods are there to go after NPC and other enemies.
You can set a target through running an environment query system (EQS) test. It generates a set of actors within the set distance, then runs a set of tests (that you choose) on each one and then returns back (or sets the blackboard to) the best result. You can test things such as distance, visibility and if the AI has a path to the target. You can run the EQS directly in the behavior tree or via blueprint and C++.
[1]: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Engine/AI/EnvironmentQuerySystem/QuickStart/11/index.html
OMG THANK YOU! I spent over a week trying to figure out how to get different targets! Still need to tweak it quite a bit but at least its working !