How can i get 2 skeletal meshes to use the same skeleton?

Ok so i asked this question already but no one answered :skull: so i’m asking it again.
Is there any way to get 2 meshes to use the same skeleton? In my blender, when i exported both meshes it had the same bone names and and general skeleton names but just different mesh names. Whenever i try to re-import the new mesh, and select the player skeleton (the one i want it to use), the player model gets really bugged out and the other model is running the animations smoothly. How can i make it so that they use the same skeleton properly?

Hi, What I suspect is that the hierarchy is not the same or there is a similar issue. I suggest watching this video series. Pretty sure the answer is somewhere there.

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You right click the skeleton mesh asset and click “assign skeleton”

If the animations look bugged after that point it helps to see a video of it. Could also be a problem with bone weights on the mesh itself.