I am trying to use Procedural Foliage Volumes to place trees on me landscape. I am able to use one with rocks and branches that work well, but I am having issues with the placements of trees. Is there any way to fit the issue where when you try to place the trees on the landscape, it will not populate the landscape but will any other static mesh items? No matter what type of tree Procedural Foliage Volumes I downloaded to use use or created to use, I seem to have the same issue. Any one have this issue before and if so, how did you fix it? I have even replaced the landscape hopping that would be the problem and still not working. Thanks for your time and assistance. Here is a screenshot of what I keep getting no matter the Procedural Foliage Volumes I use.
I don’t know a lot about this topic, but according to the documentation there is something called a Procedural Foliage Blocking Volume that you can use to stop trees from spawning where you don’t want them.
Thank you for the reply. Most appreciated there. I am aware on how to create the spawner as shown in the link you had provided. My problem is not really about how to block the trees, but how to get them to be placed on the landscape rather than only other static mesh. No matter what tree spawner I create or use from other project, the result seems to be the same. No trees on the landscape but on other assets. Here is another screenshot to show this issue.
I can simply uncheck the Allow Static Mesh or Allow BSP and then there be no trees any place including the building as shown. Questions again is, how do I get it to set on my landscape once again?