How can I fix these reflections?

Have you tried increasing the roughness? To say 0.5?

I have a weird issue of screen space reflections showing up where they’re not supposed to. Here’s a sample image. Please also see this video for a demo:

The floor is a thin, wide disc that has a dark, shiny material applied to it. Here’s a screenshot of it:

Changing the roughness affects the overall look of the reflections, which is not something I want. I’m happy with how they look now, as long as they’re in the right places.

In any event, the problem still persists at higher roughness values.

Hi Avinashlobo,

The reason for the non-accurate reflections is because of Screen Space Reflections (SSR). They can only reflect what is visible on the screen. You can use a rougher material, as suggested, along with reflection capture actors to help offset any issue with SSR that you run into. You can also use a Post Process Volume and adjust some settings for SSR to get better results, but it won’t solve the issue of only being able to reflect what is visible in the screens space.

I hope this helps.


Hello , thank you for your response.

I’m okay with SSR being inaccurate. What bothers me is the entirely inaccurate reflections showing up right up to the edge of the floor/disc, behind the chairs.

I have not been able to solve, or even mitigate this issue without turning down the reflections to a point where I might as well not have any.

Please see this image below. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

This has long since been reported, and at the moment I can’t find the specific ticket that was put in for this.

Unfortunately, it’s a part of screen space reflections and there isn’t a good solution for it at the moment.

This picture shows this as well, with the arms being reflected on a far wall that probably shouldn’t be. It’s something that can potentially be improved in the future though with alternative reflection solutions, or adjustments to SSR.
