How can I fix error c1083 on building my c++ projects?

Upon creating a c++ project with unreal engine, the project will fail to compile, and suggest for me to open the project in visual studio. In visual studio, I try to compile the project, as well as the engine. The compile again fails, returning error c1083 (fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: ‘new’: No such file or directory). Upon closing and reopening the project through unreal, it again tells me:

The following modules are missing or built with a different engine version:


Would you like to rebuild them now?

If i click yes, it will attempt to build the project, windows will tell me that UnrealBuildTool is not responding. A log is also produced, again listing the c1083 error.

It also may be important to know that before now, I was getting the same errors, but with error RC1015 (Same as error c1083 but with with ‘windows.h’ instead of ‘new’) accompanying it. I properly fixed/installed windows sdk for my computer, getting rid or error RC1015, but i’m still having error c1083.

The only official answers I can find are here: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums
which suggest to “ensure correct dependencies have been downloaded and extracted.” which doesn’t help me out much if I don’t know what those might be. I also looked at this post here: How can I resolve the compile errors "C1083: cannot open include file" and "failed to produce item"? - Programming & Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums but found that the advice was useless, as the menu paths described do not even exist for me.

Fix C1083 by moving your entire project to routes that do not include “documents”, “onedrive”, etc. that contain non-English routes