How can I get a description of all the objects described in the blueprint which are inherited from the base class? Eg:
BaseClass (C++)
BlueprintClassA BlueprintClassB BlueprintClassC
I need to get a reference to the UClass of BlueprintClassA, BlueprintClassB, BlueprintClassC in C++ code.
Thank you.
If you want to do this for blueprint classes that are already in memory it’s fairly easy, Here’s a code snippet:
for( TObjectIterator<UClass> It ; It ; ++It )
UClass* CurrentClass = (*It);
if( CurrentClass->IsChildOf(UNativeClass::StaticClass()))
// Do a thing
That’ll find every blueprint class in memory that is a subclass of UNativeClass
Thank you. This is what I need.
What if they’re not in memory?