Okay, so there are a few ways you can do this.
Because it is a scene, I would use the LEVEL SEQUENCE editor.
If you do not already know how to use it, then you’ll have to put this project on pause and look up a video that teaches you the basics of the system.
However, assuming that you do know how to use it, you could KEYFRAME the light to pass by the window, then move the light out of view of the camera, and then pass the light past the window again. (There’s a reason why they set this scene in a dark, minimally dressed location; likely the cave itself is a material with a “motion function” [like the motion functions used to create water materials], and that the train isn’t moving at all!).
An example of the light passing in and out of frame would look something like the Moon revolving around Earth (where the lit side of Earth is the point of view of the camera).
If you want to have a scene that is outside (again, notice that they decided against that… at least, for this scene), then you can create a PACKED LEVEL INSTANCE or GROUP that acts like a conveyor belt as it passes through the camera. (If you do not know these concepts, then you’ll have to look them up first.)
I created a short video (FILMORA 12) showing how PARALLAX motion is utilized to get your desired effect.
The trees represent your PLI/G, and you are going to pass them along the camera, then out of view, and reset them (notice that I use the SAME THREE groups of trees for this effect). The train will be moving VERY SLOWLY, but will appear to move quickly because of the foreground elements. The background elements will shift with respect to the train. (You COULD technically keep the train motionless, and move the landscape, but that sounds like a terrible idea for performance and practicality).
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