How can I Create moving clouds in Blueprint?

I want to create moving clouds in my level. A good example of what I want to do is how the blueprint “BP_Sky_Shere” is used in StarterMap.umap. Looking at its blueprint I am fairly confused (my blueprint knowledge is fairly low). What exactly is that blueprint doing to create clouds on the Sky dome mesh?

I am fairly new to Blueprint (though I have watched and done all the official Unreal Blueprint Tutorials) and had never touched kismet in UDK so i’m sorry if its mostly due to my lack of scripting knowledge.

Hey GroundFloor,

Inside the Content Browser, if you go to View Options and enable Show Engine Content it will open up the ability to view the Engine Content Folder from the Asset Tree. Inside the Engine Folder, Find the EngineSky folder and inside it, there is a Material called M_Sky_Panning_Clouds2.

What you’re looking at is a Material that uses Panners to animate the clouds. While this is a more detailed example, and multiple panners are used to get a layered effect, if you click on the Panner in the Details tab, you’ll see Speed X and Speed Y settings which you can adjust to affect the speed at which the clouds pan. This is essentially what is applied to the Sky_Sphere in the level.

More information can be found here which should help get you started:

Hope this helps,
