How can I create a Space scale map?

It might be possible to do something like this with the engine, but you really have to ask yourself why.

It will give you all sorts of problems to do with inaccurate placement and scaling, like you’re already experiencing.

All you have to do, is let the player ( or user ) think it’s to scale, which is a totally different thing.

I want make a space battle like game just like a space version DCS World,but I find it the map of UE4 seems have a limit of it’s size.I want to know if UE4 can make a Cosmic scale map just as Star Citizen did.

Actually I don’t need to create any complex planes but just need My Space ship have a bigger Navigation space,but at the end of the 300000000 meters in map,there won’t have the right display anymore.

I wonder know weather I can make a huge map as I expected,or someone can tell me the map scale limit of UE4?

There is a very good tutorial about creating huge levels in UE4 with World Composition, which is valid until 4.27, as it will be a different workflow in UE5. World Composition for Space Games (UE4 Tutorial) - YouTube