Well, in a word, no.
Input components don’t make sense on objects that don’t somehow belong to the player. If they’re not the player (i.e., a player controller, or a pawn possessed by a player controller) then who are they getting this input from? Since Controllers can’t possess Actors (this is the defining characteristic which separates an actor form a pawn) then InputComponents don’t make sense to be on Actors.
You need to leave your input stuff on the pawn, and then use that input in the camera director. For example, you could create a function on the pawn which takes in a pointer to an ACameraDirector, and then binds actions from the player’s input component to the ACameraDirector’s StartSwitch and StopSwitch functions. Then, in the level blueprint, when the player spawns, call the function and pass it an ACameraDirector which you’ve preplaced in the level.