How can I convert a static mesh into a skeletal mesh

I just have a spider as a static mesh, but I want to make it as a skeletal mesh…so I can replace my enemy mesh, which is a skeletal mesh with the spider. But every time I try to replace the enemy mesh, it shows me just other skeletal meshes, nut not my static mesh… so can I convert my static mesh into skeletal mesh…and please dont give heavy instructions, because I use UE4 since 5 months…thanks;-)


You have to export your static mesh as skeletal mesh in your 3D application. There is no function that can change a Static Mesh into a Skeletal Mesh. <3

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thanks for the very fast answer…but where is the 3D application?

3D application would be referring to an outside program such as 3ds Max or Blender. 3ds Max can be obtained on an educational licence for non-commercial work or a subscription basis for commercial. Blender is on a free licence for both commercial and non-commercial. There are several other applications. A general google search for 3d modeling programs should help.

Hey, if there is no more questions, can you make sure to mark your question as resolved? <3

You can convert a static mesh into a skeletal mesh within the editor by exporting your static mesh as an fbx, then reimporting the fbx as a skeletal mesh and create new skeleton.


Try this:

Right click your static mesh → Asset Actions → Export → save .fbx.

Then, click import → select .fbx.

On fbx import options, toggle “skeletal mesh”, and set “skeleton” to None.

Please note that since it has no skeleton, you will not be able to animate your mesh.


does not work just tried it just reimported the same skeleton with no bones

The file needs to be imported directly to the ‘meshes’ folder (im guessing) for the options to show up, had the same problem, did that, and then i could change it to skeletal mesh.

Thank you! It works!

You can now do this directly inside unreal: