How can I change order of components?

How??? They dont move though I dragged and dropped them


Can you give an example? What do you mean by order of components?

Generally speaking, you can’t. It shouldn’t have an in-game impact anyways.

I do understand if you want to order them to organize it in a more logical manner, but sadly you can only do that by re-creating the components that you want to move to the end. Quite stupid, but UX is not really a strength of the editor.


Well, that’s pretty depressing… Maybe I should just organize them with scene components. Thanks for the answer.

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I had 2 arrow components in my pawn. The 1st one and 2nd one have already created. After I made those I created other components, like a static mesh. And now I duplicate those and the duplicated arrows are at below of the static mesh.
I wanna put these 2 new duplicated arrows to where the original arrows are at, but I cannot put new arrows up on the static mesh, which is between them.
Scene components in a BP are The Components I mentioned.

It’s strange because in BP editor you can change Variables order in the same Blueprint Editor…


First attach all components to the component you want to appear first. Then take them out one by one by re attaching to root component in the order it shoud appear. this only works for the scene component but not actor components.This order matter if you use getComponentsByClass node as it gives a array in this order if there are more than one components of given class and it helps a lot in organizing the blueprint.


Shuck, it doesn’t work even if I define them in C++. I thought that would work.

The “funniest” part of this is that if you order all your scene components and then add an actor component (or the opposite) they will be reordered randomly, so you have to choose between “having ordered components” and “adding components in blueprint / using actor components”.


This feels like a huge UX oversight. I’m doing a lot of adding and editing of components and the random order things are placed is driving me crazy. Adds a ton of mental friction just trying to find where in the list my components have been bumped to. Even just consistent alphabetical sorting without any customization would be a huge improvement, and also feels like the bare minimum in terms of usability.


I would love to throw my coin here as well. I am working on a Blueprint where I have to set up plenty of meshes, lights, decals, and particles. Furthermore, I am used to Cinema 4D’s Outliner where I can simply reorder all of these things. While I already use an Arrow as a “Null” Object to rotate plenty of different objects at once, it’s a real pain to keep everything organized. EPIC, for real – I would appreciate it if this could be addressed.

This not only includes reorder of objects. When I collapse all “folder” arrows with numerous items and then create or duplicate anything, all these expand again every time. Workflow wise, this is pure pain when you want to keep things clean.


I have no solutions … I just wanted to let everyone know that I too feel the pain … a simple alphabetically sorted list would be better than this random none sense.


Same issue :frowning:

come on epic, this seems like an absolute no brainer of a feature. especially after you supposedly overhauled the UI for UE5?




The only way I managed was to add them “manually”

if u do this way, u can’t edit the component…


2024 is just around the corner. Working in UE5. Still can’t order blueprint components?

Really weird that you can’t do that, the editor already supports reordering in a bunch of places, why not here?

Sometimes I have a bunch of light components on an Blueprint, but they are all scattered through the component hierachy, and its hard to keep track of all of them.

In the meantime I am using the “Category” property of the components, so they stay grouped in the Variables view, you loose the hierachy , have to look into somewhere, and have to do a mental shift to learn this pattern, but at least I can group stuff now.


You can select specific components and press control x and control v, it will put them at the last

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