How can I avoid landscape color reflecting on my materials?

Hello. I recently started fiddling with the landscape editor in Unreal Engine 4, and it’s been a gratifying experience. However, I have a small question which I’m sure the answer isn’t hard but I don’t know exactly where to look for, so I figured I’ might post it here:

I don’t want my white structure to look green. It’s meant to look white, regardless of anything. This is an aesthetic project, so it’s meant to look pure white. I was wondering if there’s any way to avoid the green from reflecting in the building. The white material already has a Roughness of 1 and Specular of 0. Here’s a screenie (I’m using gregdumb’s Time of Day BP and LPV. Not using Sky Light so I can have pitch-black night. LPV doesn’t affect the green. Not using Lightmass)


This is probably WAY too late of an answer but this drove me nuts as well, if you open whatever material you are using for the landscape (double click the image of it under material when you have the landscape selected) and then under lightmass settings change the diffuse boost to zero that should solve your issue!

This another laaaaaaaaaaaaaate answer, but anyways. That’s a workaround that can be used when using static lighting, but in this case i was using full dynamic. In this case, what I did was use the GIReplace node in the Landscape Material. Worked like a charm :smiley: