How can I archived bright light background with figures front of it?



I would want try to get normal render then once door open everything black out but doorway is blind bright… How can I succeed this? Help please :slight_smile:

What have you tried so far?

Here. so far what I’ve trying…

Here’s a quick example I threw together, at least one way to go about attempting this method. Just really depends on what your final needs end up being.

In this image I have a hallway setup. The first part is the final results after backing the lighting.

This is using a stationary spot light with a pumped up value to push some light down the hallway.

For the backlighting purposes you won’t get that kind of look from a standard light as well. You’ll end up similar to your image above. However, if you use a plane and set a basic emissive material on it that multiplies its brightness (mine is only using a 1.5 multiply of a constant 1) you can get a nice even look for this backlit effect.

Lastly, select the skeletal mesh in the level and set the Indirect Lighting Cache Quality to 0. With Point or Volume it’ll use the volume samples for the indirect lighting cache to help give some bounce light to your character. For this, it’s not always needed or you don’t get the exact effect you want, so setting this to ILCQ OFF you only get direct lighting from the stationary light for the character mesh.

Keep in mind that if you use a higher multiplier for your emissive value you’ll get more bloom around your character. Use a post process volume and try adjusting the Bloom settings for the best results and tightening up some of the effect.

I hope this helps give you at least one way to look at doing this for you for you project. Keep in mind there are some other solutions that are likely to give you results as well, this is just one method I thought I’d add here to help you if it fits your needs.


Nearly there! How can I black out everything in the shadow?

There are two ways to finish this up.

If you choose to use only dynamic lighting this will give the effect quite easily since dynamic lights do not have any bounce light (GI). So any fully shadowed part will appear black automatically.

If you just want to control the amount of GI that was produced and baked with the static lighting then you can simply control this with the Post Process Volume. You can go under the Global Illumination setting and set the Indirect Lighting Intensity to 0 or a lower value that meets your needs. Setting it to 0 will make any baked GI completely black like it would be from a direct shadow of a dynamic light.

Yay! just did few fix… but here.

But when I preview my cinematics in real-time… Camera just detach from head socket! :confused:
Ahhh… heh. I’ll post other one for this problem in support topic :slight_smile: