Hi, I’m trying to add force to my ship, but it’s using world space. I don’t have an option like AddRelative force, in C++, how do I go about adding force in the ship’s forward vector?
You will need to create the force vector in world space from the rotation of your ship.
const FVector Direction = FRotationMatrix(Controller->GetControlRotation()).GetScaledAxis(EAxis::X);
Then, depending on what movement mechanics you are using you can use this direction in e.g. AddMovementInput(Direction, magnitude).
My RootComponent is a StaticMeshComponent with SetSimulate physics true, gravity disabled. Yesterday I tried out FVector Fwd; MeshComp->GetForwardVector(), then MeshComp->AddForce(Fwd), or something like that lol. It seemed to add force in the right direction while throttling, but then had some issues, I’ll try what you’ve suggested and get back with you
This doesn’t seem to work with AddForce. I have to use physics, because if I use translations like AddLocalOffset or anything, since I’m not using gravity if I hit something, I go into a spin I can’t get out of because I can’t add forces and torque correctly