Is there a way to add animations to poseable mesh?
Is there a way to add animations to poseable mesh?
Hi ,
When you mention a poseable mesh, are you referring to a Skeletal Mesh?
I refer to UPosableMeshComponent
Hi ,
I am personally not familiar with the UPoseableMeshComponent. I will try to get some more information for you tomorrow. In the meantime, there was a thread on the forums where someone was trying to get PoseableMeshComponents to work. If you have not already read it, that thread may be able to give you some ideas.
Hi ,
Are you till having trouble with this issue?
Yes, I am still looking for a solution for this issue
For clarification, are you wanting to have full animations within the UPosableMeshComponent, or do you want to be able to change the component’s transform in some way?
The first option, full animations within the UPosableMeshComponent.
Hi ,
I did some testing with using PosableMeshComponent, and even though I was able to assign a skeletal mesh with animations to the PosableMeshComponent, there did not appear to be any way to access the animations in order to trigger them. It may be possible to link multiple PosableMeshComponents to each other and adjust the transforms of each to simulate animations, but this method would be rather complex, and could potentially lead to unexpected movements.
I’m also battling with PoseableMesh.
You could “record” the animation key frames and manually rotate and move the joints in C++.
If only we could query the joint position and rotation of a skeletal mesh while it was animating, or access the animation data as the engine stores it, there will be something to work with…
Is it still not possible to add/access animations in PoseableMesh component? I need to set transform of many bones in my skeletal mesh. At first, I’ve found “Skeletal Controls”, but I have a problem with setting it up (HERE), so PoseableMesh would be great if these Skeletal Controls don’t allow transforming multiple bones - but I don’t know how to animate PoseableMesh.
Hi Slavq,
The PoseableMeshComponent is not intended to be used with animations. It is instead designed to allow you to work with individual bones and set transforms without having animations in place.
I took a look at the question that you linked. Unfortunately animation is an area I am not very familiar with. However, I will see if I can get someone more knowledgeable about animation to take a look when they get a .
It was possible up to 4.8 I was able to override the bone rotations after the BP evaluation:
but in 4.9 it was restructured and I couldn’t find a workaround yet
Hi ,
I apologize for the long delay on responding to you. I was able to snatch a few minutes of time from one of our animation engineers, and she confirmed that the PoseableMeshComponent is not intended to support animations.
Her suggestion for being able to use animations as well as modifying individual bones, was to use a SkeletalMeshComponent for the animations, then use the ModifyBone node in an AnimBP to adjust individual bones (if you need to be able to do so in code, you should be able to access the code in the UAnimGraphNode_ModifyBone
This is old but still a issue, This is a issue for me and probably a lot of other people making weapons system using bones on a model, lets say a tank uses a poseable mesh you can setup a weapon system to use the bones, you do the same with a bot but now you can’t make it walk because it lacks movement, so the only way is to cut the model into two parts.