How can I add 2 different Gamemodes for same level in Multiplayer?


I am building a game in which I have created two gamemodes. I want to make two clients exe and one server. I want to use different gamemodes for different clients and they should work with same server. Is this possible? Any kind of help will be appreciated.


This makes no sense, Gamemode only exists on server

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Hey there @Aadeshrao! It’s not quite meant to work that way. You would need to combine them into one Gamemode class and have the logic swap out. However this means your defaults would have to be generic and you’d handle all of that manually in the GM logic itself.

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That’s why I asked LOL

Okay Thanks for you help

No worries! If you’re entirely separated world wise, then you can use two separate gamemodes, but otherwise it’s fully dictated by the world it’s in (or the defaults you set). If they are playing in the same space (world instance) then they must have the same GM. Alternatively if you are doing it like a sort of round based game, Lyra can be a good example of how to do it well and “proper”.

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