As of 4.25 you need to build the engine from Oculus’s branch as Epic launcher build of UE4.25 does not support the latest Oculus plugin which is required for handtracking.
The Oculus GitHub repo contains two samples that illustrate the Oculus hand tracking feature in Unreal Engine. For these samples to compile and run, you must have the 4.25/v17 release or later version of the Oculus Integration, as this version includes the hand tracking feature.
It depends on how you want to work with the HandTracking.
4.25 does indeed support HandTracking since preview 5 or so (not sure about the version but it doesn’t matter anyway). I currently use 4.25.1 and HandTracking works perfectly fine.
However, you will have to build your own way around using the hand tracking data that the OculusVRPlugin produces. There is currently no Blueprint support or support to for using hand tracking as form of InputBinding in the engine settings.
You could also use an external plugin like the QuestHands plugin from rfsheffer. He already worked his way around using the data from the Oculus plugin and provides an easy to use Blueprint-compatible HandInteractionPawn.
Ah ok interesting to know there is a workaround to get it working in the current Epic 4.25, however it is much simpler with the new Oculus plugin which has a nice blueprint-able and easy to use “Oculus Hand Component” so would still recommend making the switch to the Oculus branch - especially for new to unreal devs which will make your project ready for 4.26 as opposed to using a 3rd party plugin which might not continue to be supported afterwards