I have created a moving lava texture using
a Texture Sample with
a Texture Coordinate (for tiling) and a Panner
plugged in to the UVs of the Texture Sample.
How can I make it so that the moving texture always tiles in world space?
The only answer I found was using Absolute World Position as the input
to the UVs of the Texture Sample. But I can’t find a way to use BOTH the
Texture Coordinate and the Absolute World Position.
Perhaps there is a different way of doing this that I’m not aware of.
You dont need the texture coordinate node with this setup, just change the U and V scalar parameters to a value you want.
(change the component mask next to the " Abs. world location node" to RG instead of RB)
Hi Luos. Thanks for the reply.
I tried multiplying the Absolute World Position with the Texture Coordinate before i plugged it into the UVs of the Texture Sample but that gave me a strange result.
Here is a screenshot of the material.
How can I implement the Absolute World Position with this?