How can a client notify the server that a replicated property needs to change?

Hi all,
I’m starting my first multiplayer project, and I’m in the very first steps.

Right now I’m wondering how can a client notify the server that a replicated variable should change.
I know that client should never set replicated variables directly, so how can clients update the game through their own actions?

My project is in Blueprint with Listen-Server networking.

I have the Game Mode spawning Actors that are replicated.
These actors have a component with a replicated property, that basically drives the gameplay.

All players can interact with these actors to change that property via an event.

I tried to set the event to Run on Server from client, it works when playing on the server (client sees the property changing), but when calling that event from the client, nothing appens (on both client and server).
A warning in the log informs me that RPC is skipped because client does not own the Actor (since it is spawned on the server).

So how can a client interact with server-spawned actors and their replicated properties?


Interaction needs to happen on the server (Authoritative Proxy). Anything gameplay relevant should always happen on the server. The result is passed to clients.

For responsiveness the client fakes the interaction through animations and FX.

Client Action (input): Switch has authority[remote] → Animation/FX → RPC Server
Srv Action → Multicast Event → Do the interaction, Update replicated Variables.