How can a client affect a replicated variable?


currently moving my first steps with UE networking.
I’m struggling to clearly understand how clients can manipulate replicated variables.

I have a blueprint project, setup to use the Listen-Server networking.
My Game Mode spawns some Actors and all players can interact with these actors to drive the gameplay.
Spawned Actors are replicated and have a component with a replicated property.

Each player should be able to interact with those actors to change this replicated property.

However only the server can manipulate the replicated property.
If I try to set the property via a Run On Server event from the client, I get a warning that I cannot call the RPCs due to the actor being not owned by the client.

So how can clients notify the server that a replicated variable needs to change?

I think I understood how to setup this kind of stuff, mainly due to this post.

Short version: client should always request the server to change stuff. The server can then check things up, set a replicated variable, and client can react to that using a rep notify.