How are sales for you publishers?

Out of curiosity, I would like to know if I am the only unlucky one who has only made one sale so far since the launch of the new store, while in the old UE Marketplace I had 1 to 3 sales steadily per day.

mine 0 sales since 22 October

seem others too: FAB discovery and search is not working as expected. My sales are sinking because of this.


2 reasons I can imagine.

1 - You cant find anything.
2 - Users just don’t trust the site/want to support the direction of Fab.


Yeah I have only sold 1 unit so far but things seem to be getting better in the past 3-5 days so hopefully it returns soon. The store needs a big Black Friday sale or something to ignite buyers interest. With new platforms usually people are hesitant to buy stuff until they make their first purchase which is usually of a sale.


For first days, ,maybe week it was drop of sales, but now it go to normal value, maybe event little bit more.

I have already posted 2 high quality environment assets for the Unreal Engine and have 0.


Fixing the major problems would go a long way :'D I know many are avoiding Fab because it…well…is just bad.


I don’t think sales will increase until Fab becomes a normal marketplace. We are also hopeless about sales. It would be much better to make money by selling on three markets: Unreal Market, SketchFab, and eventually Art Station. If you wanted to collect commissions on the profits of three markets, you should have prepared and opened a market where money flows in and out more properly.


Just started week ago but no sales so far, while i had 1 daily on sketchfab. I can imagine few topics:

  1. fab is slow
  2. 3d editor comparing to sketchfab is terrible
  3. search function is bad and shows lots of crap, while other platforms have some more experience and show valuable stuff in the begining
  4. you have no idea how it performs because we do not have any statistics to ■■■■■ our assets. maybe there is no sales because nobody finds our products?

i could find some more minor reasons, but i do not have doubt it will not be easy for soime time.
First we need to be patient because fab has to be populated by users.
second has to work heavily to achieve quality level and trust as others already did.

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Since FAB launched, it went downhill pretty fast. I’m on the same boat as you and doesn’t look like it’s getting any better soon. It’s understandable since FAB has so many issues currently, but that does not make it any less frustrating.


Hi, I’m a new creator and I currently have 3 products on FAB. No sales so far. I have a question, Is it okay to sell the products that I have in FAB to other marketplace online? Thanks!

If you are the creator yes :innocent:

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yeah pretty much nothing so far, around 14 high quality PBR models but no sales.
cant even tell if people are finding my stuff.

Too many sellers increased the prices 3 to 10 times for the Professional license and some increased the Personal license as well.
Although some mantained the UE Marketplace prices and set the same on Personal and Professional license or increased the price just a bit it still is a fact that there are too many that increased the price of their products just too much thinking to be able to sell to AAA studios at an high price and not realizing that the main customers of online assets shops either Unity or Unreal Engine ones are solo indie developers and micro and small software houses.
Such a price increase can only cause the majority of potential customers to avoid buying anything or buying the less expensive assets.


Guys it’s over… I’ve seen a million threads like this now and I’m yet to see one response from Epic. It’s kinda clear their stance aha. They might as well of deleted marketplace and only keep sketchfab.

Because we’ve been royal canoodled.

Literally over. Accept and move on.


Any alternatives to fab?


cgtrader and gumroad for selling 3D models and UE projects AFAIK.

Cgtrader has completely broken search engine after introduction of AI search in 2023. Newly added content is basically invisible. That’s why I was counting on Fab. Ouch.


This is a good alternative I think, there’s some good stuff on gumroad. Very unfortunate that Epic have decided to drive their own customers out of their store :'D

These are good alternatives. If anyone knows anymore, keep posting.

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