Houdini Terrain Tool and New Water System


I have an issue with new water system. It is working fine on new created landscapes, but when I generate landscape using Houdini HE_Terrain_Tool the landscape is not effected how it should be. The effected heightmap is moved vertically according to the hole in water system.

How to reproduce:

  1. Install Houdini for Unreal plug-in
  2. Install Water plug-in
  3. Add HE_Terrain_Tool from [ue4-starter-kit][2] to your project
  4. Create new level
  5. Add HE_Terrain_Tool to your level
  6. Restart Houdini Session if needed
  7. Set Game Engine to Unreal Engine
  8. Hit Bake
  9. Enable Edit Layers on your new created landscape
  10. Add Water Body Ocean

I don’t know, maybe this is no longer relevant …
I also faced this problem. It turned out that the offset is half the size of the terain himself. To fix this problem, I calculated the size of the terainn’s bounding box in Houdini. After that terain shifted half the size of the bounding box. After exporting to unreal, everything works as it should.