Hello, could somebody let me know what attribute name and type (point or vertex) I should use in order for vertex color maps to be detected on an imported mesh in Unreal engine?
I enabled the vertex color option on import in Unreal, I tried exporting the color attribute named “Cd” and “color” as a point and as a vertex attribute, exported as alembic and as fbx.
Maybe theres one certain combination I didnt try… but I wanted to ask definitively since I couldnt find documentation on this. should the attribute be name “color” or “Cd” or something else? should it be saved as a point attrbiute, or a vertex attribute, should it be formatted as a 3 component vector? what is the case if you use FBX compared to alembic?
I’m not a Houdini fella, but in Unreal, when you import your FBX and get the Import Options window, make sure “Vertex Colors” is set to “Replace” so that they’re imported. It is not the default setting so you have to set it explicitly.
Thank you, I did try this, but on some of my tests I only clicked re-import mesh instead of deleting it and re-importing, perhaps I missed one combination of settings when this happened. Thats why I’d like to get some more info on the established attribute formatting so I don’t need to iterate through so many combinations of export configurations. I will try again tomorrow more methodically.
after some debugging I found I wasn’t visualising my colormaps correctly before exporting.
I found that the map comes across if you store float vector 3 @Cd attribute on the verticies, although I suspect you can probably store them on the points too and it will be fine. the alpha channel is a seperate float value attribute named @Alpha
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