@echo off
set UNREALDIR=C:\UnrealEngine-5.4
::give a random number between 0000 and 9999
set /A NUM=%RANDOM% %% 9999-0000
::Clean Compilation
set "WITHOUTEDITOR=CatharsisEditor Win64 Development "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\UNREAL PROJECT\Catharsis544\Catharsis.uproject" -waitmutex -NoHotReload"
::Hot Reload
set "WITHEDITOR= -ModuleWithSuffix=Catharsis,%NUM% CatharsisEditor Win64 Development "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\UNREAL PROJECT\Catharsis544\Catharsis.uproject" -waitmutex"
call "%UNREALDIR%\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat" %ARGUMENTS%
Your Rider is broken too?
I uninstalled both versions and reinstalled the old version.
And now… It makes a fake compilation.
It does not generate files nor does it detect errors in the code.
I even fixed the error message by following the instructions in this post…
Raider no longer works.
The non-commercial version made some changes somewhere and broke everything.
Haven’t had a successful compile yet. (one is in progress). Had to change my pagefile settings as it was not enough for rider (vs seems to cope with disk space better during the process).
1-I deleted all the project temp folders
2-Compiled by command line (CMD)
3-I generated visual Studio Project Files
4-Now Rider works again.
But HotReload still doesn’t work.
I think the best solution for now is to give Rider the BAT file I created.
I just need to know which file the build configuration is saved in.
I know it has to be one of the files generated by visual studio…
But I’m searching like crazy… even using Grep I can’t find a match.
Didn’t change anything from the default settings. Only added in the sdk override in the unrealbuildtools to get it to build ok. Project built fine, hot reload works no problems.
No Bat editing or anything of that sort on my end.
do you mean this?
or this?
using UnrealBuildTool;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class MyProjectTarget : TargetRules
public MyProjectTarget(TargetInfo Target) : base(Target)
Type = TargetType.Game;
// Other properties go here
only Engine\Saved\UnrealBuildConfiguration.xml the one I sent you in a pm earlier.
Surprisingly after changing the pagefile size everything started working. I am on the trial version for now though not the non-comercial version. Just wanted to test it out to see if it’s any faster than VS.