Hot-reloadable files are expected to contain a hyphen (UE5.4 fom source code)

I have this problem when I try to compile (UE5.4 fom source code)

There seems to be some problem renaming files.

Hot-reloadable files are expected to contain a hyphen

It seems that it only need a hyphen in the middle of the file name.

-PIE compilation works
-Hot Reload does not work

-Only occurs in UE5.4 version compiled from source code.
-The precompiled UE5.4 version does not has this problem

That’s why I’m sure it’s not a problem with the IDE. (Rider is not the problem).


Does anyone know how to fix this?

Thank you so much!!


Log: Compilation Failed (Editor is open)
Log.txt (6.9 KB)

Log: Compilation Successful (Editor is close)
Log.txt (8.0 KB)

I found adding the follow argument “Hot-Reload” does works!!


Where XXXX seems to be a random number (but different to preexistent in Win64 folder)

Complete command:

...\Build.bat" -ModuleWithSuffix=MyProjectName,XXXX MyProjectNameEditor Win64 Development "...\MyProjectName.uproject" -waitmutex

It woks with CMD:

Now i need it work with Rider…

Any Idea to get that is welcome!!

Thank you so much!!


Here i found a solution for vscode in Linux… i need the same but for Rider in Windows (JetBrains Rider 2024.1.4)


Where can i modify this? it is read only…

I have a bat file and it does work…

@echo off

set UNREALDIR=C:\UnrealEngine-5.4

::give a random number between 0000 and 9999
set /A NUM=%RANDOM% %% 9999-0000

::Clean Compilation
set "WITHOUTEDITOR=CatharsisEditor Win64 Development "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\UNREAL PROJECT\Catharsis544\Catharsis.uproject" -waitmutex -NoHotReload"

::Hot Reload
set "WITHEDITOR= -ModuleWithSuffix=Catharsis,%NUM%  CatharsisEditor Win64 Development "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\UNREAL PROJECT\Catharsis544\Catharsis.uproject" -waitmutex"


call "%UNREALDIR%\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat" %ARGUMENTS%


I just need Rider use it

Thank you!!

I did a quick rider test and it’s editable on my end. Though I did open up the generated sln file so it had VMake settings already made

Downloaded trial JetBrains Rider 2024.3.5 (trial for now). I’ll see how it differs from VS.

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Ok, i will dowload it, and i will try it too.
Thank you so much @3dRaven

I Installed this version of Rider (Non Comercial)

And it can compile… no problem… it does works!!

The build configuration is the same… except this → ( -FromMSBuild )
…and it is also read-only too

I don’t understand anything!!

Did you generate the sln file and then open that in rider?

I use the same nls file for both Riders…
I actually have both open.

The one on the left is successful because it compiled with the editor closed.

The one on the right is with the editor open

But I’m going to try the old Rider again… just in case

False positive

Rider broke… LOL

I think it’s not saving changes…
I compiled with errors and it doesn’t detect them…

Compilation successful even with errors…

I’m going to close one of the two and try again to see what happens.


Rider doesn’t work anymore…
The non-commercial version is garbage

And I’m afraid the old version is broken too.

They both broke… definitely installing the new version of Rider was the worst idea of ​​the day…

I’m going to uninstall both and reinstall the old version.

The original problem is not solved then…
I still need help with that…


Your Rider is broken too?
I uninstalled both versions and reinstalled the old version.
And now… It makes a fake compilation.
It does not generate files nor does it detect errors in the code.

I even fixed the error message by following the instructions in this post…

Raider no longer works.

The non-commercial version made some changes somewhere and broke everything. :sob:

Haven’t had a successful compile yet. (one is in progress). Had to change my pagefile settings as it was not enough for rider (vs seems to cope with disk space better during the process).

Look… this happen to me… it does a fake compilation
-No errors
-And binaries files are not generated

I found it… This is broken… THIS → "MyProjectNameEditor " is missing.

This is worse than the beginning :rofl:

I got it… What a nightmare… But I got it

1-I deleted all the project temp folders
2-Compiled by command line (CMD)
3-I generated visual Studio Project Files
4-Now Rider works again. :mechanical_arm:

But HotReload still doesn’t work.

I think the best solution for now is to give Rider the BAT file I created.
I just need to know which file the build configuration is saved in.
I know it has to be one of the files generated by visual studio…
But I’m searching like crazy… even using Grep I can’t find a match.

Works here no problem out of the box.

Didn’t change anything from the default settings. Only added in the sdk override in the unrealbuildtools to get it to build ok. Project built fine, hot reload works no problems.

No Bat editing or anything of that sort on my end.

do you mean this?

or this?

using UnrealBuildTool;
	using System.Collections.Generic;
	public class MyProjectTarget : TargetRules
		public MyProjectTarget(TargetInfo Target) : base(Target)
			Type = TargetType.Game;
			// Other properties go here

or what?

Show me what you did…

Engine\Saved\UnrealBuildConfiguration.xml the one I sent you in a pm earlier.

Surprisingly after changing the pagefile size everything started working. I am on the trial version for now though not the non-comercial version. Just wanted to test it out to see if it’s any faster than VS.

Well, for some reason that doesn’t work for me.

Take my bat file.

RiderCompileEditor.bat (666 Bytes)

It is faster than Rider and VS…

But you can’t edit errors in the code with it.

I’m seeing near instant updates with hot reload.

“If it’s not broken then don’t fix it”

But it’s broken… LOL



For some reason it is not working in the version compiled from source code + Rider

But… With my BAT file it Work Perfect!!!

So, or Rider or The Engine… or Both (Something must be broken for sure)