Hot-reloadable files are expected to contain a hyphen (UE5.4 fom source code)

Does the same error message happen on a fresh project?. Try making one with a simple name somewhere not too far in depth directory wise.

Maybe the space in the directory is causing an error, unreal doesn’t normally allow this

“%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\UNREAL PROJECT\Catharsis544\Catharsis.uproject”

“UNREAL PROJECT” might be the problem


I would also discourage you from using windows desktop as your project space. It may be under the control of UAC like program files. This might be causing some problems with the project regarding access.

Ok, i will

Ok, I’ll do it… I haven’t any problems in two years… but if you recommend it, I’ll do it.

I made a empty project here → C:\TestProject\Test
Project Name → Test

Same problem.

The problem must be something else

I think Rider must know that the editor is open in some way.
When the editor is open Rider must change the build arguments.
(Exactly the same thing I do in my bat file)

Maybe Rider and the editor communicate through a pipe?

Your solution view looks a bit strange. This is what my default looks like

It mirrors what is in VS.

You seem to have a different project tree.

Also one thing to note: Never call your project Test. It’s known to break the project as it uses a phrase that has an internal definition

In this case it was generated automatically:

In this case I added the Engine project

What do you see strange?
I have public and private folder…

You’re right… I’ve seen some things called Test in the Engine code.
I always wondered… why the hell?
I won’t use “Test” anymore.
They always use the best names… Many times I have to look in the engine code before naming a class… They always have the best ones occupied… LOL

You have more folders than me.

Should I have the “Rules” and “Visualizer” folders?

I don’t know if you read this

Could the pipe has been broken?

How did you download the engine source code?
Compressed in ZIP?
Or using Git?

Github desktop. Cloned the unreal source via Then picked the 5.4 branch.

Had Github download the source. Then went through the normal setup & generate project phases. Openned up sln in Rider and built it.

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I downloaded the zip…
I think that’s the problem…
The code must be faulty…
I’m going to download with Git and compile again

Thank you so much @3dRaven :heart:

I downloaded the source code with git.

git clone -b 5.4 --single-branch

I compiled it. And the problem persists. Hot reload does not work.

I also tried with Visual Studio and it has the same problem.

I also tried installing a newer SDK… but that didn’t fix the problem either.

I actually tried all this → (SDK 9, 8, and 6)

I think the IDE is not able to detect that the editor is open and that is why it cannot change the arguments for Build.bat.

Because this argumente is all it needs to work properly.

Or maybe it’s the other way around… Maybe it’s the editor who tells the IDE that it’s open.

As Led Zeppelin says → Communication Breakdown ←

I hacked the “Build.bat” file

Build.bat (4.1 KB)

Now it does work!! (with Rider and Visual Studio)

But it only works for my project…

If anyone wants it to work with their project they will have to edit Build.bat and write the name of their project instead.

Sometimes I hate Epic… It seems like any simple thing you want to do turns into a huge problem.
(I already saw that they are destroying OnlineSubsystem in 5.5.3 … I just hope they fixed OnlineServices because it was completely useless last time I tried it)