After compiling of a project with some plugin, project can’t be normally saved.
I’ve made new UE 4.8.1 project, initialized VS project for that project, copied some plugin to the project’s Plugin dir, reopened UE.
After that I’ve changed files of the C++ project of the Plugin’s project, tried to recompile FROM UE FROM MAIN (not plugin’s) PROJECT. Recompiles fine, but when I press CTRL+S after that - error shows.
I opened the project you linked and added the “Create Index” and “Index (SQLite)” nodes shown in your video. When I wired them together and connected an event like in the video I was not given any error message when I tried to save. After copying the Plugins folder into the new project you’ll want to make sure to right click on the .uproject and Generate Visual Studio project files. This will update the .sln for the project so that it knows that the Plugin files have been added. Additionally you’ll want to make sure that the plugin itself has been updated to run properly with 4.8.
No expert in the HotReload process at all, but I have seen this error as well, in 4.7.*… I thought it had to do with hotloading something that was referenced to the level, and would just be aware that I had changed that class, and saved and closed the editor before compiling and reload the editor.
So I have to agree with , this is a reproducable error, just seems to be under non-normal circumstances.
I’ve reported the issue of not being able to save after hot reloading with a plugin in the project (UE-18307). I did notice that trying to compile the Visual Studio solution with the editor open would fail however closing the editor and building again would succeed. I’m not sure if this is related however it seems there is a bad reference somewhere when compiling with the editor open. I also found that the save issue only occurs while the reference to the plugin exists in the project. Removing the Create Index node will allow the project to be saved and putting the node back will continue to save properly until the next hot reload.