Hello!Recently,I started creating a third person multiplayer shooter.
But the player that hosts the game can’t be killed even if the host can kill a player that has joined.
I created an int variable named health so when it colides with the bullet it goes to zero and the actor is destroyed,if this helps any of you.
Have you tried seeing if a joined player can kill another joined player? Are your kill functions replicated on the server?
Yes,but JUST the host player can kill other players.Also,I recieve a message saying “Attemp to acces Weapon_C_0 via property Weapon,but Weapon_C_0 is pending kill”
Ah, I believe I know the problem. Sounds like you are most likely only handling damage on the server and not allowing clients to talk to the server. Also, with the pending kill it is most likely because you are trying to destroy the actor before they are “killed” per-say. Some screen shots of your code would help a lot in getting to the bottom of your problem.
Are you using any RPCs when you press the “fire” button?