I want to make a basic server session so players can join a lobby and then transfer to another level. What I did was that the ‘host’ button on the menu would have the console command ‘open mapname?listen’ to open a listen server. and the join button would have the command ‘open ipaddress’. But it doesnt seem to be working. When I click host it does not transfer to the level but the code doesnt give any errors. I also did the coding in the Game Instance. Should I do it somewhere else? I dont have a lot of knowledge on networking so I have no idea what I have to do. I have also checked the documentation and such.
Hey there,
Network Sessions are exposed via the Session Nodes. You can find an example on how to use them in the Multiplayer Shootout Game, which you can find in the Learn tab of the Launcher, after scrolling down a bit:
There should also be Tutorials on how to implement this if you google a bit.
Keep the following in mind: Online Sessions (ServerList) only work with a Subsystem that is not the NULL one. So for example Steam.
You can use the SubsystemNULL to find LAN Games in a ServerList and join them. If you want to join via Internet, you need to add SubsystemSteam or any other MasterServer supporting Subsystem to your game.
If you want to join a Game via IP, you should be able to still use the Hosting Logic that the Multiplayer Shootout game has, but then join via Console Command.
Hope that helps (: