"Horizontal "360 rendering

Hello all,

I am looking for a way to render out a horizontal 360 render.

I am familiar with the 360 panoramic rendering settings in the render queue.

However that default setting always renders a 360 including sky and ground. I want to render it for a square room with 1 screen on each side. So rendering out the sky and ground is not needed and a waste of pixels and GPU power. I have a method with four cameras in unreal, each with their own sequence and orrientation. Then I stitch them together in After Effects But this requires a lot of extra work/rendertime. And I have to change the settings and rerender for each multiple screen set up.

I tried diffrent advanced settings but in the field of view section but it made no difference in the output and some times UE crashed.

So is there a way to limit the 360 renderer to render not the whole sky/ground? Or is there another way?

many thanks in advance!