I attached a Particle Emitter on a VR Motion Controller, and used the Spawn PerUnit module to draw some kind of trail.
When I move the controllers quickly, everything is fine but if I move the controller slowly I have holes in the trail. I tried different settings on the movement tolerance, max frame distance, unit scalar, refresh frequency… but I still have holes in the trail. Do you have any advice or suggestions to prevent these holes ?
Here is an example:
And the corresponding particle emmitter configuration:
Hey antoinegloum-
It could be that the lighthouse and the motion controller are loosing reference/sync momentarilly. This could happen if something is blocking the signal. Can you test this by moving the controller in an arc from multiple angles and see if the gaps are consistent from the different angles.
Hei ,
I tried with different angles and different positions in the room and the gaps seem consisents. Also, the gaps are present only when I move the controller relatively slowly. I have the expected result with fast gestures.
Could it be a problem of input smoothing ?
I have not seen the results you described in my local project. Could you send a copy of the project where you’re having this behavior for me to test directly?
Maybe you want to change the spawn rate speed based on the player’s movement speed?
I will try to send you a small version of my project beginning of next week. Thanks for the help.
Isn’t what Spawn PerUnit supposed to do ?
Could you try this project : Google Drive: Sign-in ?
You need to press the trigger to activate the particles emitter.
Hey antoinegloum-
Attempting to open the project gave an error saying that the map was saved with a newer version of the engine. I’m attempting to open the project with the binary version of 4.13. Are you using a source version of the engine and, if so, have you made any changes to the engine code? Additionally, what is the name of the level to load with the particle system?
This is strange, I use the version from the Epic Game Launcher : 4.13.0-3106830+++UE4+Release-4.13
The level’s name is MotionControllerMap.umap, this is example map for a VR project using Unreal Engine 4.13.