HLSL Custom Node Breaks After Upgrade to Unreal Engine 5.4: Type Mismatch and Function Call Errors

I’ve just updated to unreal engine 5.4 and sadly all HLSL nodes are not working anymore

Here’s the code which was working fine in previous versions:

float planeDist = View.ViewToClip[3][2] * (1.0+FixDist);
float3 localPos = LWCMultiply(DERIV_BASE_VALUE(GetWorldPosition(Parameters)), GetPrimitiveData(Parameters).WorldToLocal);
float fov = View.ClipToView[0][0].x;
float3 CamPosition = LWCMultiply(LWCSubtract(mul(float4(0,0,0,1), ResolvedView.ViewToTranslatedWorld).xyz, ResolvedView.PreViewTranslation), GetPrimitiveData(Parameters).WorldToLocal);
float ratio = View.ViewSizeAndInvSize.y / View.ViewSizeAndInvSize.x;
float diagonal = length(fov * float2(ratio, 1.0));
float z = sqrt(1.0 - diagonal * diagonal);
float3 viewPos = float3(1, -ratio, 0) * planeDist * localPos * fov * 0.02 * (1.1) + float3(0, 0, planeDist);
float3 worldFPos = mul(float4(viewPos, 1), ResolvedView.ViewToTranslatedWorld).xyz;
return LWCToFloat(LWCSubtract(LWCSubtract(worldFPos, ResolvedView.PreViewTranslation), DERIV_BASE_VALUE(GetWorldPosition(Parameters))));

I’ve looked at the documentation but could not find anything about this case :frowning:

It looks like the main issue is about LWC and double float could fix it but I can’t find a way.