HLODS Constantly Failing to Build.

Reference ID


Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Engine for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?

World Building (HLOD Building)


The HLODs are Failing to build with a repetitive error when they finish.

Steps to Reproduce

I press Build HLODs and after some time it says Failed to Build check Output log.

Expected Result

The error says GPU CRASHED OR D3D Device removed and a few other stuff.

Observed Result

The error says GPU CRASHED OR D3D Device removed and a few other stuff.



Island Code

No Code

Additional Notes

I hope you can fix this. Also I’ve seen a few other people with this issue recently.

Could you either link me to their posts or have them upvote this one?

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ryanj is using Onedrive !!
Are you using it too ?

Did you ever solve this?

Yes i got a new PC and i haven’t had the error since so you probably need better specs / ram


the Budget 0MB, Used 0MB lines in the logs make sense now

hi, @SluggerSluggs @SluggerSluggs
the documentation shows how to fix GPU timeouts

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I had similar issues with HLODs. They were sometimes failing to build, and after the build, they were causing validation errors because of invalid GUIDs. I came up with a workflow like this to avoid all the issues:

  1. Delete HLODs.
  2. Submit a CL with deleted HLODs. - without this step, new HLODs were failing to build.
  3. Build HLODs.
  4. Submit a CL with new HLODs.
  5. Restart the editor! - without this step, asset validation was failing because of invalid GUIDs related to HLOD objects.
  6. Launch the session, memory calc, or whatever you need.

It is very time-consuming and strenuous, but in UEFN you have to get used to that :wink:


thank you, I will try it out

What is CL?

Hi @SluggerSluggs ,
Think is short for (C)reative Is(L)and,
I have trouble keeping up with acronyms as well :roll_eyes:
New Fortnite Discover Submission Process for Island and Maps

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i am by no means an expert so if im wrong in any part of this please correct me, but i have had to deal with hlods and heres what ive learned…

if your hardware isnt the cause one thing to look at is if your hierarchy actually follows the “rules” for hlods, specifically the “hierarchical” part. if youre copy/pasting things all over as single objects and/or unparenting them from prefabs while still flagged as hlod youre going to run into these memory issues every time, especially on big maps where youve done this a lot. you want all your objects that make up a single structure/building to be under the same root object otherwise youre generating unique hlods for each individual piece, which defeats the purpose and can cause these memory errors. a good way to think of it is to think of a city… all walls are children to the building, all buildings are children to the city block, all city blocks are children to the city itself

another thing to consider is what is actually being flagged for hlod. small objects inside structures that cant be seen from outside the structure dont need hlod just use streaming. hlods are most beneficial for large structures visible from a distance. sometimes theres smaller objects that you can get away with just streaming. single large objects (like background mountains) dont need hlod or streaming so you could untick both

hlods are powerful, but they are also tricky/time consuming to master