HLOD System not saving Materials in 4.26

We’re having trouble with the HLOD system. We are unable to save the materials which are generated. They are automatically removed and the HLOD assets become broken after we save and then reopen the map. We don’t know what is causing it but we are unable to use any HLOD assets. One note is that we are using level streaming, however, we see the results disappear if we build from the persistent map or the sub-level separately. This appeared to work fine in 4.25 and we are now in 4.26.

Found the same problem. After clicking on the “Save All” Button, only HLOD Proxy and the map shows in the content saving window. And after saving, everything except the empty hlod proxy is lost. But in 4.24, it shows “MultiAsset” which means meshes, materials and textures are about to save. I dont know if it’s a bug in 4.26. Did you solve this problem?