OnHit → Add Impulse to the Component you Hit, the Impulse Vector is the HitNormal Inverted (multiply by -1) and multiplied by the strength you want. Thats about as “simple” as it gets.
“also, if you check Simulate physics, it will add impulse by itself, for this example i unchecked it for fun.”
also yeah, telling you were refering to animations would have been good. line trace gives you the bone you hit. good luck on your search.
also, i think Nachtmahr answererd your question.
How does this impact the physics asset of the cube? The cube is not being affected by the projectile like a real person would be by a bullet, i.e. a hit reaction.
Well turn on Simulation and Simulation Generates Hit Event. Rest stays the same from my Solution the only difference is you also Provide the Bone you Hit to the Impulse. Here as Example I add a Impulse the applies a upward Force to the Bone that has been hit. Screenshot - 3fb12012fdccf9aa879eb47ba7863c2f - Gyazo
Alternativly you can start with the Simulation off and enable it on Hit and than apply the Force making your Target basicly a Ragdoll on Hit. Or like in the Docs mentioned only enable Simulation on the Bone you hit and all its Children like from Shoulder down to the Fingers.
I cannot turn on simulate physics because the mesh will spazz out, unfortunately. How do I enable simulation of bone on hit? I do not want the whole mesh to ragdoll, or ragdoll at all, just impulse at the bone with its physics remaining the same.
Use whichever of the two you prefer. Dont forget to reset Simulation after a while or set Physics Blend Weight back to 0 so the animation takes over again.
Edit: forgot to plugin a Bonepin but you get the Idea
Well make sure your Collision Setup is correct. Are they both set to Block? Are you sure you reach the Add Impulse node and the Bone is not empty? (Print String the Bone Name at the end) also the Blend weight is a value between 0-1.
All I can Tell you is that its working fine at my Side like expected. Looks like its just your Projectile that makes trouble not hitting anything.