HighResShot command significantly slower in packaged build.

I am using HighResShot command to automate capturing screenshots of my level in UE5. It works as expected when I “Play in Editor”. But when I package the application and run the exe file. It takes significantly longer to capture same screenshot and also the output images look somewhat different (textures quality seems worse and some surfaces look way too smooth/shiny). It takes around 3-4 minutes in editor and around 15-20 minutes in packaged build (Shipping)

My CineCamera actor does not override any PostProcess settings, and there is single Post Process Volume in my level with Path-tracing settings:
Max bounce 16
Samples per pixel 1000
filter width 3.0
denoiser checked

The commands I am using in my blueprints:
ShowFlag.PathTracing 1
r.raytracing.ForceAllRayTracingEffects 1
r.TextureStreaming 0
r.HighResScreenshotDelay 1000
HighResShot 4096x4096 filename=“Position0_f.png”

All there is after the HighResShot command in output log is:

[2022.06.28-11.07.54:598][667]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [BP_RenderWorkflow_C_2] PROCESSING SCREENSHOT: Position0_f.png
[2022.06.28-11.07.54:691][671]LogRendererCore: Warning: Query ‘Unaccounted’ not ready.
[2022.06.28-11.07.54:710][672]LogRendererCore: Warning: Query ‘Unaccounted’ not ready.
[2022.06.28-11.07.54:789][673]LogRendererCore: Warning: Query ‘Unaccounted’ not ready.
[2022.06.28-11.07.54:805][674]LogRendererCore: Warning: Query ‘Unaccounted’ not ready.
[2022.06.28-11.07.54:830][676]LogRendererCore: Warning: Query ‘Unaccounted’ not ready.
[2022.06.28-11.07.54:835][676]LogD3D12RHI: Creating RT View Heap with 250000 entries
[2022.06.28-11.07.54:880][676]LogD3D12RHI: Creating RT Sampler Heap with 2048 entries
[2022.06.28-11.07.55:422][680]LogRendererCore: Warning: Query ‘AllocateRendertargets’ not ready.
[2022.06.28-11.07.55:573][681]LogRendererCore: Warning: Query ‘AllocateRendertargets’ not ready.

Is there anything I missed in project settings maybe?