currently I’m struggling adding the functionality to highlighting meshes in a different color (not by using an outline) and reverting back to it’s original material.
The goal is to change from one camera perspective to a different camera perspective meanwhile changing the materials of every single mesh to a white material with the exception of specific static meshes. Those specific meshes shall be highlighted with a different material and / or color.
When switching back to the default perspective everything turns back to it’s original material.
You can compare it to the system that’s implemented in Cities Skylines 1 and 2 (see images).
It doesn’t need to change material or material color on it’s own e.g. when traffic is more dense the color of that part of the road turns into more red.
Furthermore it only needs to work during a level sequence as of right now but it’d be nice if the transition can be triggered during a sequence and outside of it as well.
I’ve already tried the following methods.
- Using Material Parameter Collection since it can be controlled in the level sequencer but I’m struggling with setting up a material that works flawlessly.
- Using an Actor to set the material of every static mesh to white but I wasn’t able to save the original materials anywhere to return back to it. Furthermore I didn’t find a way to trigger the material transition in the level sequencer and as far as I know it’s a limitation of the level sequencer.
- I’ve played with Dynamic Material Instances but couldn’t get far yet.
Which method would be suited to implement this feature or was I already on the right track with any of the methods I’ve tried out but gave up too quick?
If there are any further question I’ll answer as good as I can.
Kindest regards
Gévarred (。・∀・)ノ゙