Highlight/custom depth stencil stopped working in 4.22

I have a VR project that has a custom depth stencil to highlight objects that I can pick up when my controller overlaps them. It was working fine in 4.21, but now the highlighting is not appearing on the object but instead is rendering off the object and is jagged and distorted and not the shape of the object.

I am using UVRF Hands which is where the highlighting came from.

I am not sure where to begin to fix the problem. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I have same problem with 4.22 with my custom outlinematerial. It was fine in 4.21.

In searching around I found this thread: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/453016/view.html
Which is basically the same problem back in 4.12.

I turned off stereo instancing and the highlight is working again. So I guess the question now, is there a workaround or does this need to be reported as a defect?

I filed a bug report and was directed here: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-72551)

For me there seemed to be an issue where Eye Adaptation influenced the custom depth pass. Instead of disabling Stereo Instancing, i just went to the PostProcessVolume and set MinBrightness and MaxBrightness both to 1, under the Lens->Exposure section. This fixed the issue for me.

Doesn’t work for me unfortunately.

Any news on this?

I just installed the latest hotfix, but no change.

Yep. Documents said, it should fix the problem but unfortunately it didn’t. It’s so bummer if we need to wait till 4.23 :confused:

this really is a big problem for us right now. I tried several workarounds, with no real acceptable solution. Im using a transluent material with “disable depth test” enabled at the moment, but i need some sort of sorting so it does not get drawn above the player hands etc.

Agreed. This is a showstopper bug as disabling depth tests or removing instanced stereo are unworkable solutions. This needs a hotfix as we could be waiting until September for an update (and therefore our customers wait too).

Same here. This is a nightmare and a huge infliction on the interface and post processing in our project. I really hope this gets sorted soon in a hotfix, since it will be a nightmare to update the entire project to a new version during development.