HIGH: VFX Spawner is spawning PINK snow with no way to change the color

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VFX Spawner is spawning PINK snow

Steps to Reproduce

  1. in UEFN grab a VFX spawner and place it anywhere on the map
  2. set the spawner to snow, continuous
  3. snow starts falling as color PINK (it wasn’t this way until the last update or two)
  4. Changing color is grayed out but if I edit it in the properties editor to WHITE it ignores it as well.

Expected Result

  1. in UEFN grab a VFX spawner and place it anywhere on the map
  2. set the spawner to snow, continuous
  3. snow starts falling as color WHITE (or at least possibly change color)

Observed Result

snow starts falling as color PINK (it wasn’t this way until the last update or two)
changing color is disabled unless it properties editor
changing to white is ignored. it’s always pink.


Windows PC

Island Code


Additional Notes

I’ve found a couple of work-arounds. 1 I don’t like and 1 I do. You can do a VFX creator and set it to the “soft circle” particle but it doesn’t cover a wide area. The VFX Spawner covers a wider area of the map. The second thing I did was use the VFX Spawner and chain it to RAIN and the color “white”. This looks pretty good, especially for heavy snow but I’d prefer the true snow effect.

I also want to point out that within the UEFN editor it shows the snow as white but when launching the game, and publishing and launching, the snow is PINK.