High resolution display support for editor

Solved 4K Scaling Win10 Unreal 4.26.0 with Sharp Text and Sharp Demo FPS using alt + p

Before starting double check your settings and make sure these settings are changed first before applying the method.

Right click on the Unreal Engine “Shortcut”> Properties > Compatibility. UnCheck the box for “Override high DPI scaling behavior.” And yes, uncheck is correct for what we are going to do.

Open Unreal Engine > you may select a new project or current one you have > Click on Edit > Editor Preferences > Make sure “Enable High DPI Support” is Checked.

General > Performance > “Disable DPI Based Editor Viewport” is Checked.

Go ahead and Close Unreal.

Method Setup :

Right Click On Your Desktop and Select Display Settings

Left Click On Your 4K Monitor it should be labeled 1 or 2.

Scroll Down To “Scale and layout”

Click On The Drop Down Menu For “Change the size of text, apps, and other items”

Select 300% Recommended (My setup works with 300% which is the recommended yours might be different but use your own recommended.

Click on “Advanced scaling settings”

“Let Windows try to fix apps so they’re not blurry” Switch This To “OFF” and close the window.

Open Unreal Engine > Click on “Window” at the top left. Click on Developer Tools > Widget Reflector > Application Scale: Change from 1.0 to 0.8 and hit Enter.

Now your Windows apps will be correct size plus Unreal Engine will be correct size with non blurry text and also do alt + p for the FPS demo and that should be sharp as well.

I hope that helps some of yall. I thought something like this would be fixed by now.



**I did the same. Changed the scale to 0.7 but my problem is that “Import window” doesn’t show fully. I can’t change or move it or even resize it.
I use 4k monitor , win 10 and UE 4.25.1 and **

you the best! im on a 4k 65" tv and it was impossible to retarget skeletons

Hi @Tim_Hobson @AJ_Graphix @PhoenixMarket and to you all who have been supporting this topic.
I want to give a mention of the new UE 5.0, Currently Early Access 2.
In this version, your UE4 favourite function has been moved

Developer Tools > Widget Reflector, but I can’t find this setting in UE5

In UE5 The answer is to use the key sequence together of “Control + Shift + W”, the first thing when your project blueprint has opened up.

So There is a new UE5 thread Is it possible to change the size of the font of the UI for a high DPI monitor? - Unreal Engine 5 Early Access / Feedback for Unreal Engine 5 Early Access - Unreal Engine Forums

Which I hope will help you, thanks for all the work
I found this using my skill of searching and reading the source code, but this will never match your artists skill to produce these wonderful projects.


I can’t believe epic hasn’t solved this problem yet. It’s been almost 8 years!

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In UE5 click Tools>Debug>WidgetReflector to open WidgetReflector window.


I recently made a simple UE4/UE5 plugin to change the UI Scale of the editor.

Unlike Widget Reflector, the plugin saves the desired UI scale between sessions.


Please add the option to save the scale so it doesnt need to be set on each start.
specially since i have multiple projects and i run them directly from rider.


have had the same font size issues in suse tumbleweed linux , although true of some other linux installs …
in that
where kde apps tend to cope and correct there font sizes and are usable , but not so for gtk apps , (system wide not just unreal engine that is gtk , include chrome , nvidia desktop tray and others )

if you change the fonts from within the app it only affects the one app (if it lets you )
if you change the dpi system wide then it affects all apps so kde apps emd up with masive fonts and gtk aps to normal size

anyway the way to solve it is to set the global scale to 150% in the display settings (this also corrects icon size )
then ensure the kde font size is reduced back to 96dpi

this resolves the issue system wide so also ensures other gtk apps also conform
(you may have to revert the changes made to individual apps back to there defaults if you changed them to try to resolve this )
far easyer than trying to set the fonts individualy for each app

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Hello, I have created a plugin to save the ApplicationScale of WidgetReflector. I am sure it will help you.


Thank you!

If anyone has the issue where subwindows are scaled properly but the Editor is at 100% scaling…just change the scaling and then change it back…that fixed it for me


Wait, this thread is almost 10 years old and the only solution still is seriously a plugin from a user?



Awesome, fixed it for me, I have two monitors and one was almost unreadable for me (4k and an HD), set to 1.2 and my poor eyes are blinkin happy! :eyes: