high ping with delay in maps which involves more players and also in Ranked

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Hi,there is lag in early game in “Tournaments” and “Ranked” Battle Royale (its is perfectly fine in Unranked BR)
this problem only happens to players with 50-60 ping, A lot of people who play 50+ ping face the same issue.

it feels really laggy to edit/build as if im playing on 100 ping instead of 50, as people die in game the delay gets better by the time theres 10-20 alive it gets normal 50ping as there is in unranked.

this is only happening since chapter 5,never had this issue in chapter 4 or before.

I’m hoping this get fixed before Fortnite OG cuz im really looking to play that(plus it was soo smooth in Fortnite OG part 1)

I dont know what can i do to solve this you can ask me video recordings of this delay etc or anything you want me to do.

Also,I play on Bahrain(Middle East) server.

Steps to Reproduce

every ranked game on 50-60 ping

Expected Result

should be no delay in ranked just like in unranked

Observed Result

delay when building /editing ,50 ping feels like 100 in early game


All platforms,PC,PS5,Xbox

Island Code


Additional Notes

please lmk if you guys atleast know about this delay and in future it will be gone so i have some hope of it getting fixed in future,before chapter 5 it was not there nor in Fortnite OG ,its only here after Chapter 5 and in Ranked & tournaments

please fix this

Hi @ZotacFN could I get your island code so we can take a look?

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Hi @Flak, It happens in every map, you can take any zone wars map for example : Forever Zone Wars (Solos 5473-5965-0108)

I believe the issue is : the more people join the more the ping becomes.(mostly people who play on above 40 ping will feel this delay because their ping will go above 60ms )

people who play on 0ms-10ms ping for them it isn’t a noticeable difference,because 5ms to 20ms is not a huge difference in building, but 40 to 60 is.)

for example:

5-10 people in an island ,there is no problem and ping is 30ms for me

after this ,every player who joins makes my ping increase my 2-5ms

by the time theres 30 or more players in the island,the ping increases to 60ms with an insane amount of delay to build(feels like 80-90ms instead of 60)

The exact same issue happens in Ranked BR where 100 players are in the match,as soon as i land the ping goes 60-65ms and I/players feel delay when building/editing quickly(even tho i get 45-50ms ping in fortnite settings and 30 in creative)

now as people get eliminated in ranked the ping and delay both seem to reduce ,when there are 10 people then only it feels like actual 40ping that i play on. This was not happening in Fortnite OG or Chapter 4 or before that, since the 2nd update of Chapter 5 (like 2months ago) I have seen this lag/delay /increasing of ping based on people alive in island.

please fix this issue, it’s happening from months and I’m not able to enjoy the game because of this and all my other friends who play on above 40 ping, I’m really hoping it gets fixed in the next update :frowning:


day 2 of tagging @Flak so she can fix this issue

day 3 of tagging @Flak so she can fix this issue

day 4 of tagging @Flak so she can fix this issue