hideCategories = (ActorTick) won't work in 4.12

UCLASS(hideCategories = (ActorTick)) not hides ActorTick category in blueprint details panel any more since 4.12 (in 4.11 category was hidden fine)

Also in 4.11 i have found that if you define protected ptoperty with
UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category = “WeaponSets”)
As you can see category name consists of 2 words started with letters in upper case.
In child class definition with:
hideCategories = (“WeaponSets”)
hideCategories = (WeaponSets)
will not hides this category from class detail pannel

Hey -

Could you provide more details about the behavior you’re seeing in 4.12? There was an issue where custom categories were not properly hidden with the HideCategories specifier, however the bug was fixed for 4.12 (Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-19743) ).

For example, when I add a new class with the following:

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = ActorTick)
		float rando;

My float value is correctly hidden in 4.12.

i have checked it again with some classes and all this different classes still showing ActorTick category.

First i thought that it happens only with classes which has default customization pannel, but not, i think issue happens for categories with consists of 2 words started in upper case like “Actor Tick” and as upper example with “WeaponSets”

Here is example with class:

#pragma once
#include "T_PickupItem.generated.h"

UCLASS(Abstract, hideCategories = (ActorTick, Rendering, Replication, Input, Actor))
class AT_PickupItem : public AActor



Only ActorTick hidden:

#pragma once
#include "T_PickupItem.generated.h"

UCLASS(Abstract, hideCategories = (ActorTick))
class AT_PickupItem : public AActor



As you can see all categories except ActorTick was hiden fine.

Same thing happens with many different classes extended from AActor. And this started since 4.12, in 4.11 this category was hidden fine.

Hey -

After further testing I found that using hideCategories=("Actor Tick") (with quotes and space) will properly hide the Actor Tick category in the blueprint editor. Conversely, if you have a custom category with more than one name, such as Category = "Multi Name Var", using the format hideCategories=("MultiNameVar") with quotes but without spaces will hide the category.


Are there any plans to fix this? It’s not very intuitive that what you have to put in the arguments to hidecategories doesn’t always match the category as declared in the property metadata.

Hey -

I’ve entered a reprot that you can follow here (Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-38258) ). You can track the report’s status as the issue is reviewed by our development staff.

Hey everyone,

Even though the last message here is from 2016, I’m still facing this issue in Unreal Engine 5.4. I’m trying to hide the Actor Tick category in blueprints and I’ve experimented with different combinations of quotes, spaces, etc., but nothing seems to work.

It’s quite frustrating that this issue was marked as “Won’t fix” in the tracker. Has anyone found a new workaround for hiding this category in newer engine versions?