Why does the Materials editor not have a View menu like Blueprints? I want to be able to hide unused pins, but there does not seem to be a way for Materials. It’s surprising me that any toolmaker would fail to re-use code like this (similar to the different eyeball styles seen in various parts of the editor interface).
Ha. Of course the moment I ask the question I find the answer: for Materials there is no View menu, but there is a big toolbar button that you can turn off to hide unused pins. Instead of “Show/Hide Unused Pins” it’s called “Connectors” in the Materials editor.
as it is here!
Nothing worse than not finding an answer, or someone going “nm, solved it!” without explaining what was done to solve said problem.
kinda mandatory:
glad you solved it though
Ha ha. Do feel free to delete this if you feel it’s too much of an RTFM post. Or I can. I posted the answer instead of deleting following the guidance of Stack Overflow, where answering your own question in order to contribute to the knowledge base is acceptable and encouraged.
This isn’t quite the answer because it hides ALL unused pins, so even ones you haven’t connected yet. It would be much nicer to be able to turn off the pins you want manually. I’m using material attributes, but I’m only using BC, M, R, AO, and N. Everything else just makes the break material attributes node too long.