So, I have a scene, and I’m having trouble with reflections. Previously, I’d got around this by rendering the scene from behind the player, and projecting that to the reflective surfaces, but this isn’t really working very well.
The reason I haven’t been using the built-in reflection tools is that the player has a billboard object following him around throughout the scene. The issue is that this object is rendered in the reflections badly (it appears as a cutout material, when it’s actually alpha blended over the character). This means that the reflections show a large blob, rather than an accurate reflection. However, the reflections would look find if they did not render this object. Is there a way I can force this billboard to only be rendered by the main camera, and be ignored by the reflection captures? If not, is there a way I can manually render reflections more effectively?
EDIT: As it turns out, it’s not actually the billboard, but rather the light source which is behind it. Does anyone know why this light source is producing such an odd blob on the reflection capture?